विशेष केंद्रीय सहाय्य
CCD (Formation of FPO Project)

Name -

CCD-NGO Formation of FPOs in Yavatmal District so as to leverage the benefit arising from collectivizing and to market the produce more efficiently or better price realization for the years 2019-20 to 2023-24.


Formation of FPOs

Collective marketing of the tribal farmer’s produce to sell at better prices.

Proposed Area

Kelapur (Pandharkawada), Ghatanji and Zari Jamani blocks in Yavatmal district of Maharashtra

वित्तीय तरतूद
All Figures in Rupees Lakhs Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total
Farmers 500 1000 1500 2000 3000 8000
Social Mobilization
Salary (Lakhs) 33 35 48 61 76 253
Administration Reny, Computers, mobile Phone 4 4 5 6 6 25
Travel Local 1 2 3 4 4 14
Total CCD Cost 38 41 55 71 86 291
Training 3 2 2 1 1 9
Exposure Visits 3 2 2 2 1 10
Cost of setting up Cotton/Toor/Soya units 266 600 0 0 0 866
Revolving Fund 190 634 0 0 0 824
Total 500 1279 59 74 88 2000

CCD ची भूमिका

Trained team of Field Officers will organize, educate the farmers to form cooperatives at village level

CCD will target 100 tribal villages covering 3 blocks of Yavatmal

Formation of apex Federation of cooperative societies

Prepare the bylaws for Federation

CCD will provide the guidance in formation and all other legal process to establish the Federation

CCD staff will help in election of Board of Directors of Federation

CCD will facilitate Federation in maintenance of records and accounts

Hand holding till the Federation acts on its own

Set up market linkages including process for branded value-added products wherever feasible

CCD will guide Federation for forward and backword integration

Village Cooperative संरचना
कामाची सद्यस्थिती